Kateryna (Katya) Kuzubova


Dr. Kateryna (Katya) Kuzubova’s approach to wellness and thriving comes from the integration of body-mind-soul. From extensive work and research in neuroscience, she discovered that cognitive, emotional, spiritual and physical wellness are intertwined and greatly affected by trauma; therefore, trauma informed counseling is an additional area she addresses in treatment. Katya uses person centered treatment when addressing issues from the integrative theoretical framework. Over the past 10 years she noticed two main areas that help cope with daily life struggles: finding purpose in life, and finding a person’s identity rooted in uniqueness of traits, characteristics and experiences. She has clinical experience providing therapy to children, adolescents, couples and families, and adults. She has also worked in addiction counseling. Originally from Ukraine, Katya is fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages. She can provide bi-lingual therapy and has experience working with people from post-Soviet culture. In addition to helping clients, Dr. Kuzubova is an Associate Professor in Counseling at Colorado Christian University. She enjoys spending her free time outdoors in nature or with family, friends, and the church community.